About Us

About us

AgriPlus System Inc. is a company focus on the promotion of eco-agriculture technology , which is characterized by green energy technology and eco-agritech integration of eco-agricultural integration system.
It is the first in the world with its patented environmental controllable modular greenhouse, natural biological soil, organic and non-toxic ecological insecticide, antibacterial and fertilizer three-in-one soil health agent and natural green energy storage energy, and EMS management system. A New Model of Removable Modularized Agricultural Production.

AgriPlus Commitment and Vision:

AgriPlus is expected to develop, planning the ecological, environmental protection equipment, planting technology and management system to produce
- Organic & safely Fruits and vegetables
- Quality & yield controlable of food

About Us

AgriPlus Systems Inc. is a company focus on the promotion of eco-agriculture technology , which is characterized by green energy technology and eco-agritech integration of eco-agricultural integration system.


Contact Us

Business Name: AgriPlus Systems Inc.

Canada Headquarter
#210 - 8877 Odlin Crescent
Richmond, BC. Canada V6X 3Z7
Tel: 604-233 8886
Cell: 604 562 1009