High Production Growing Systems

High Production Growing Systems

This patented crops production systems designed for efficiently used of the interior greenhouse growing spaces. The sizes and shapes of HPGS is depends on the desired crops to produce. The design was to mechanically increase crops productions to shorten the return on investment and labour efficiency.


- Increased greenhouse growing spaces up to 95%

- Sustainable crops productions on sliding racks

- Minimized row spacing

- Promotes work safety environment

- Encourages multiple cropping

About Us

AgriPlus Systems Inc. is a company focus on the promotion of eco-agriculture technology , which is characterized by green energy technology and eco-agritech integration of eco-agricultural integration system.


Contact Us

Business Name: AgriPlus Systems Inc.

Canada Headquarter
#210 - 8877 Odlin Crescent
Richmond, BC. Canada V6X 3Z7
Tel: 604-233 8886
Cell: 604 562 1009