Chito-FertS (Above ground application)

Chito-FertS (Crops Treatment)

Chito-FertS: [Crops Treatments] TRL: 9

Chito-FertS is in powder form, mixes in water to spray to control crops diseases and also able to altered the growing atmosphere to repel of insects. It’s mechanism of control is when Chito-FertS added to the water, during the agitation process Chito-FertS induces beneficial bacteria in the water to digest Chito-FertS then secretes Chitinase to digest the exoskeletons of diseases.


Fungicidal and Insecticidal


- Organic crops amendment with N-P-K 4-2-1

- Non-toxic to air, water, animals, fish, microbial and human

- Controls eggs of crops undesired insects

- Regulates growing atmosphere

- Protects leaves, fruits and vegetables, and branches

- Controls fruits and vegetables post-harvest diseases

Chito-FertS: pH8.66,N 4.4%,P 2.0%,K 1.2%,Ca 205k ppm,Mg 8.2k ppm,S 2.4k ppm

Material: Chitin

Applicable Crops: All Crops

Application duration: Weekly

Expiry Date: N/A

Storage: Dried storage

Technology: Canada

Mix Ratio: 1 to 1000 ~ 2000

Type of Control: Contact

Area covered: Depends on the spray mists



  1. During spraying process, requires continuous agitating.
  2. Spray the back surface of leaf.
  3. Avoid using tap water.

About Us

AgriPlus Systems Inc. is a company focus on the promotion of eco-agriculture technology , which is characterized by green energy technology and eco-agritech integration of eco-agricultural integration system.


Contact Us

Business Name: AgriPlus Systems Inc.

Canada Headquarter
#210 - 8877 Odlin Crescent
Richmond, BC. Canada V6X 3Z7
Tel: 604-233 8886
Cell: 604 562 1009