

5 Key Technologies of AgriPlus Eco-Agritech System

A. Eco Growing System
B. Modularized Integrated Greenhouse (MIG):

- Bio-soil system with ECO-Agriculture methods
- Vegetation grown in confined spaces
- Temperature, moisture, lighting controlled
- Sustainable all season growing
- Module design to meet local climates
- Green renewable energy powered
- Reduced transportation, energy costs
- Portable and mobile facility.

C. Soil Health Technology
D. Renewable Green Power System
E. Localize Agro-ecological Planning

The advantages of Eco Agritech System:

Space conservation
Resources efficiency
Labour efficiency
Enhance production
Improve quality
Reduce Cost of production
Generate more profit
Climate control system
Production period Adjustment
Portable structure
Green renewable energy
Non-seasonal fruits & vegetables production

Key Technology & Advantages

About Us

AgriPlus Systems Inc. is a company focus on the promotion of eco-agriculture technology , which is characterized by green energy technology and eco-agritech integration of eco-agricultural integration system.


Contact Us

Business Name: AgriPlus Systems Inc.

Canada Headquarter
#210 - 8877 Odlin Crescent
Richmond, BC. Canada V6X 3Z7
Tel: 604-233 8886
Cell: 604 562 1009